Post by Mark S. MillerI just stumbled across the Monte language
Wow. Have we discussed it here before? I don't remember that we have, but it
is hard to believe that we have not.
Hi! Corbin and I have been keeping this quiet until we had something
close to parity with E-on-Java.
Monte is a close cousin of E, using Kernel-E with some minor
extensions. We aim to bring the benefits of the years of
research and design put into E to a modern implementation suitable for
production use. Our chief semantic differences are
the addition of named arguments and parameters to the kernel language,
and switching from internal iteration to external.
The expanded syntax uses Python/Haskell's indentation rules though
braces and semicolons are still available. We have a
runtime with a JIT compiler, written in RPython (the restricted python
subset PyPy's runtime is written in). The lexer
/parser/expander stack is self-hosted, and currently the runtime
internally compiles Kernel-Monte to a bytecode
We implement E-on-CL style guard-based auditing, and have a working
auditor for DeepFrozen and Transparent. Current
development focus is on a basic module system largely similar to
ES6's. We haven't pursued CapTP yet but implement vats,
async networking and IPC (via libuv), crypto primitives (via
libsodium), and proxy refs.
Performance has received relatively little attention since we're still
covering basic features, but it's currently fast
enough that running our precompile step (parsing code, expanding,
dumping a binary AST representation) isn't too tedious.
The name, of course, I stole from a post you made here in 2004.
The code should be fairly easy to understand for anyone comfortable
with E-on-Java's internals:
We welcome contributions, bug reports, and puzzled questions. :)